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Connecting to your Higher Self

“The meaning of life is to find your gift.

The purpose of life is to give it away.”

-Pablo Picasso

Hi beautiful soul!

I am so delighted that you found yourself guided here today! 

Know that this is for a reason, it’s time to take those important steps in your life to build the connection to your Higher Self so that you can see the pathway illuminated in front of you to guide you onto your highest timeline and to do what you came here to do.

If you are here, then you may have recently embarked on your spiritual awakening journey or perhaps you have been on it for some time but are feeling stuck or stagnant and unsure how to move forward into discovering your Divine Purpose. 

I am so proud of you and the work you have done so far to get you to this point and I am so thrilled that you are here on this journey too. We have such an amazing purpose in this lifetime, that’s why we chose to be here! That being said, this journey is and can be challenging, painful, alienating, frustrating and lonely, but it is also the most beautiful, profound, loving, liberating and powerful experience to have and every day I am just so so grateful that my soul chose to be on it.

Often what we want to know is “What is my purpose?” Well, first off, your purpose is to be here, to be you! Because you are created perfect in every way, exactly as you are! There is no one, nor will there ever be anyone like you ever again! There is no one that has your unique magic, your perfect essence and every day that you are existing on this planet, you are shining your unique light to all that come into contact with you and that in itself is helping with the collective and assisting in Gaia’s ascension.

In order to discover the pathway to hear our higher guidance and therefore propel us into our highest timeline, there are things that we need to do in order to achieve this and a lot of this has to do with your internal vibration.

For so long now, we have collectively been living in low density frequencies due to thee external noise that surrounds us. This keeps us from hearing the gentle voice of our higher self, whom has always been with us and guiding us. It just takes practice and discipline to begin hearing the voice of our higher self from the external societal programming, noise, and distraction.

So, first things first, if you haven’t already, it’s time to completely STOP watching the news and limit yur time away from social media and anything else that distracts you. 

All of the answers that you desire to know are within you, and spending too much time with external fixations will only derail you and serve as a distraction. I know because in the beginning of my awakening, I did exactly this.

 Now to the steps to take to achieving major transformations! Are you ready!

Step 1  – COMMIT         

                Make a commitment that you are going to follow through with this for the next 4-6 weeks minimum. I promise, it will change your life!


You must be consistent in order to achieve the upgrades and transformations you desire.

Step 3 – ENJOY!

                                           Fall in love with having these quiet moments to yourself every day. Relish the moment you step out the door to be in nature. Get excited about the developments you make over time and what they are going to bring for you!

In order to reach your highest guidance, you need to implement some new routines daily to help you discern the voice or message from your Higher Self.

Spend 15 minutes a day on your visualisations and manifesting your desires of where you want to be and what you want to see for your life. Pay attention here to how the body feels when you are visualising your future, what signals is it giving you? Do you feel excitement with the vision you have in your mind, like it’s in full alignment with your truth and highest good? Or are you having lower vibrational feelings indicating that this is not in alignment with your soul’s path? Your Inner Emotional Guidance is an excellent tool for keeping you on the right and aligned path with your purpose.

Honour your “hour of power”, the first 30 minutes when you wake up and the last 30 minutes before going to sleep. These are the most important minutes of your day to build that connection with your higher guidance. This is because you are doing it before the daily tasks start pouring in for the day and any normal distractions come in.

 This can be a meditation practice or just sitting in quiet and stillness. Use mindfulness breathing techniques to keep you in the present moment.

Get outside in nature everyday for at least 15 minutes to truly start to reconnect, whatever the weather! Getting in nature will ground you, find a tree that you can sit under and close your eyes, put your hands by the base on its trunk and just listen. 

Make an effort to be truly present in the moment. Listen for the sounds of nature, wonder in the abundance that surrounds you with every leaf, petal, butterfly, bee or bird. Be in the moment.

Commit to at least 3 pages a day of journaling. This works especially well in the morning to release any self limiting beliefs we have about ourselves before the day even starts, but you can do this any time. Highlight feelings, triggers, emotional reactions and responses. This brings awareness to them so we can release and let go of them.

End by writing at least 3 things that you are grateful for and how they make you feel. They could be experiences from the day or just things in your life that you have. Being grateful is a powerful tool to aid us in manifesting our future. How can we expect more if we are not grateful for the things we already have!


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The Complete Energy Healing Program !


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Relaxing Breathing for Women

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